Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

The 'Health' Category

» Health

Barbara O’Neill visit

A reminder that the recording of the Barbara O’Neill health lecture from the 9th June, plus links to various other resources from Barbara are now available.

Click here for more…

Barbara O’Neill, of the Misty Mountain Health Retreat, visited Crieff on 9th June 2017 and gave a Friday night talk. We’re posting a recording of that talk here.

Barbara has a full set of lectures posted on YouTube.  If you’re interested in finding out more then visit her YouTube channel or the Misty Mountain Health Retreat web site

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 8/9.

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 7/9.

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 6/9.

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 5/9

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 4/9

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 3/9

Health Programme

Health series with David Hatch.

Week 2/9

Health Programme

Nine week health series with David Hatch.

Week 1/9

Aberdeen SDA Church are hosting a special needs day of fellowship.  Sharon Platt-MacDonald and Sophie Nicholls are the speakers for the morning and afternoon sessions.  Space is limited.  If you are interested in attending, contact Christine before the end of August on: to book a place.

In the third presentation of this weekend’s series presented by Dr Robert Gan. He will be introducing and Australian health Evangelism formula to Crieff members on sharing their faith.

The fourth presentation ‘Oils Ain’t Oils’ addresses the most misunderstood nutrient in Adventist circles.

There will be lots of time for questions and answers; so bring your notepads, pens and thinking caps along.

Sabbath morning worship is led by Dr Robert Gan in the second of his 4 presentations on health. Today’s sermon addresses the wonderful brain power gifts that God gave to us to behold Him. This will be a fresh look at improving our body temple, and presenting it as a living sacrifice for the indwelling of the Holy spirit, and a s a clean vessel for the through flowing of the Lord’s blessings to others around us.

The series continues this afternoon at 2:30 pm with 2 more presentations and an opportunity to ask questions. Find information about this in the category of Study and health.

This is the first of a series of health talks taking place on Friday 30th November and Saturday 1st December by Dr Robert Gan. This first talk addresses the importance of the frontal brain to communication with God.
Dr Gan was born in Singapore and grew up in Australia. Robert accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour through the ministry of the late HMS Richards Sr in 1961.

He studied for the pastoral ministry after completing high school, but left after 2 years to pursue a science course at the university and graduated with a degree in Toxicology (a study of poisons). he then continued his studies in dentistry and in general medicine. he graduated with the double degree in 1980, and did postgraduate work in reconstructive surgery. he is currently working as a consultant in the oral and maxillofacial surgery department in Inverness hospital, Scotland.

Robert’s interest in health and lifestyle began when the Loma Linda University published its classical survey in the 1980’s that showed Adventists on the average, lived longer than their counterparts in the community. As an extra-curricular activity, he studied Human Nutrition and Food Science and graduated as a clinical Nuntritionist in 1987. he has since then been actively promoting good health and lifestyle changes as a form of faith sharing to the secular population.

Robert is married to Cindy, a nursing director of a hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Together they have 5 grown up children; all have flown the nest. Robert reckons that retiring is the the motorcar industry. he is committed to serving the Lord till He comes.