Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

Recordings from the 2018 Spiritual Awareness Week, where Weiers Coetser led us in a Week Of Prayer, 3-10 Nov 2018.

Follow the links to the audio recordings.

  1. Ways In Which The Bible Can Get Us Into Trouble” (Sabbath Service)
    • Tracing highlights of a journey in which the Bible becomes central to our faith.
  2. Are Things That Are Strong Really Strong?” (Sunday)
    • There are many contemporary challenges to the authority of Scripture? How do we evaluate them? How fragile is the authority of Scripture?
  3. The Eyes Of Faith” (Monday)
    • Reformers developed the idea of the perspicuity of Scripture.  This is a big word that says that anybody should be able to understand the message of the Bible. What skills do we need to practice in reading the Bible for it to be a book that keeps on giving?
  4. When Life Gets Complicated…” (Tuesday)
    • How does the Bible help me with living my day-to-day life?  The Bible is not only about information. It speaks to the conundrums that I face in my every day life.  But sometimes it is difficult to build a bridge between an ancient text and the challenges that twenty-first century life throw our way. What Bible reading practices help make the Bible more relevant to our personal worlds?
  5. The Outstretched Arms of Jesus” (Wednesday)
    • In the final analysis, the Bible is not just about facts and information.  Neither is the Bible simply a set of instructions about how to live life. So much of the Bible is about a person. What difference does Jesus at the centre of Scripture make to our lives?
  6. Resilience” (Thursday)
    • Further exploring earlier themes from the week, we look at the function of Scripture in an imperfect world. We live in a world where there is great suffering. We all experience suffering in our own lives.  How do we bounce back from such situations? An operative word to rebound during times of difficulty is “hope”. What is the basis for Hope in our world?
  7. Right or Wrong? The Bible’s Ethical Claims on my Life” (Friday)
    • Further exploring earlier themes from the week, we look at the function of Scripture in an imperfect world. We live in a world where there is great suffering. We all experience suffering in our own lives. How do we bounce back from such situations? An operative word to rebound during times of difficulty is “hope.” What is the basis for Hope in our world?
  8. An End-time Faith” (Sabbath Service)
    • We live in a post-Christian era. Many of the straight-forward answers from the past do not impress any more. What does it mean to live an end-time faith? A final word of encouragement that a life based on Bible principles is worth pursuing. It offers opportunities for tremendous personal growth, courage and adventure.