Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

Spring Study Conference Weekend – June 2-4 2017

Dr Tom de Bruin, Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis and Early Christian Literature presents a series of lectures on the subject of Jewish Messianism in and around the Bible.


Audio recordings:

  1. King, Prophet or Priest: The Messiah in the Old Testament” (19:00 Friday night)
  2. The Messiah and Me” (10:00 Sabbath morning)
  3. What Type of Man is This?” (11:20 Sabbath morning)
  4. Foreigners, Priest-kings and Teachers: The Messiah between the Testaments” (19:00 Sabbath evening)
  5. Rebel with a Cause: Jewish Christian Messianism and Early Christology” (Sunday morning)

Plus notes.