Day of Fellowship and Bible Conference
Posted in Calendar, Sabbath School ~ Adults, Sabbath Service, Study, Worship
The Scottish Mission of Seventh-day Adventists will be hosting a Day of Fellowship at Granton Baptist Church, 99, Crewe Road North, Granton, Edinburgh, EH5 2NW. The day will start at 10:00am with Sabbath School run by the Edinburgh Church Sabbath School Department. Pastor Alan Hodges will be taking the Senior lesson from the desk, and there is provision for Sabbath School classes for the children and youth. The Worship service starts at 11:15, the speaker will be Pastor Don McFarlane, British Union Conference President.
Lunch will be 1:00 – 2:30pm. Please bring your own complete packed lunch and utensils; drinks will be available at the church.
Afternoon programme 2:45-4:30pm, consisting of a song service, a service of ordination for David Hatch, and a panel of questions for Pastor McFarlane in an ‘Ask the President’ session.
Limited car parking is available at the church and surrounding streets, also streets surrounding the Edinburgh SDA church.
Provision will be made a Crieff SDA church for services on this day for those unable to attend the Day of Fellowship.