Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

Dear Friends,
Small is beautiful!
I’ve just been talking to some friends who have experienced the blessing of attending the combined NEC and SEC camp meeting last week. Many were impressed with the vast numbers attending.  However, it was so crowded on Sabbath morning, with 1000’s in attendance, that some had to struggle for a seat, and felt guilty that they had not shown Christian generosity to others who could not find a place.
In comparison, the first Scottish Mission Camp Meeting a few weeks ago was small, with about 150 attending on Sabbath morning.  The good thing is that even though the hall was almost full, there was space for everyone!  From the feedback we received, people were even more blessed than they expected.  They appreciated the excellent spiritual nourishment, the time to be with the church family and good food.  I would like to thank all those who came both to serve and to be blessed.  It was a great experience that I pray will build the spiritual life of our members and strengthen us for the work God has called us to do.
This SMNL has an excellent report on Camp meeting that I hope will give you more of a flavour of the event, as well as a thoughtful devotional by Taylor. vI hope you enjoy reading it.
Please pray for the BUC session on the Sunday 3rd July that God’s will and wisdom will prevail.  There are some exciting proposals which need the input of the whole church.  Please pray too for the delegates from Scotland: Owen Anderson, Martin Bell, Jimmy Botha, Virginia Dube, Bernie Holford, Lorance Johnson, Steve Logan, Lawrence Pollard, Efraim Zakarias.  We may only have a small presence at the BUC session, but with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, I believe a small group can have a beautiful influence.
May God bless you as you read the rest of the SMNL and give glory to our great God who does wonderful things for us all.
Pastor Bernie