Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

Monthly Devotional  – by Elizabeth Iheoma

Psalm 103 – described by some as the master-piece of all of David’s Psalms – holds a special place in my heart. Whenever I read this particular psalm I cannot help but appreciate the benefits, the benevolence and the bigness of the God I serve.

Benefits of God (verses 1-7)

God has forgiven my sins and has healed my diseases and I am restored to the favour of God. He treats me with compassion and kindness and gives me good things. He forgives me as I am still sinning and repenting. He fills me with new life and joy and strengthens me for His service. Spurgeon puts it beautifully ‘He gives us a crown adorned with gems of grace and lined with the velvet of loving kindness. It is decked with the jewels of mercy but made soft for the head to wear by lining it with tenderness’. Only God can satisfy my soul.

Benevolence of God (Verses 8-18)

God is good to all. He removes my sins so far that it is immeasurable and my relation with Him is no longer affected. As a caring Father, he shows kindness when I am weak in knowledge and teaches me. He bears with me when I am proud and full of myself. He shows compassion on me when I am sick and He comforts me. He shows kindness when I make mistakes and helps me to rise. And as I submit to Him he forgives me and puts me right.
God considers my frailty as a human being. I am just as vulnerable as a beautiful delicate flower in an open field exposed to the harsh elements. In contrast, my God is everlasting and considers how little I can do, how little I can bear and has compassion on me.

Bigness of God (verses 19-22)

Everything is disposed for God’s glory. He calls upon the whole of creation in heaven and earth to join in the chorus of thanks giving. There is a world of holy angels praising Him. God is on His throne and has universal dominion which gives me full assurance that He will keep His promises. What a big, big God I serve.

I invite you to join me in this universal thanks giving and praise to have our voice heard as we – the pardoned and redeemed – declare ‘Bless the Lord O my Soul!’

*The Treasury of David, Charles.H. Spurgeon