Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

Venue? ~ Crieff SDA Church, Gwydyr Road, Crieff PH7 4BS

What for? ~ This is an opportunity to listen to some world leaders and sharpen your skills from the lessons they have learned.

Why Attend? ~ No organization deserves better leadership skills than the life-changing, hope-bringing work of a great local church.

Who should attend? ~ Existing and potential leaders ~ pastors, elders, young and old. Anyone who wants to learn to lead with diligence.

Lunch? ~ Bring a packed lunch ~ we will supplement what you bring.

Materials Source? ~ The lectures are specially selected from the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit series. All the presenters are by DVD.


Michael Porter ~ ‘Your Move’ ~ Professor – Harvard Business School, author of 27 books.

Jimmy Carter ~ ‘Building Humanity’ ~ 39th President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize 2002

Marcus Buckingham ~ ‘Put your strengths to work’ ~ Leadership consultant for ‘The Gallup Organization’ and author of ‘The One Thing you Need to Know’.

Richard Curtis ~ ‘Living for the greater good’ ~ Award winning film producer of films such as ‘Mr Bean’ & ‘4 Weddings and a funeral’; co founder of the ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign, Live 8 Concerts and Comic Relief.