(the text below is from Ruth Farrer, who has just returned from visiting Romania and the Chesau home)
Robi Horvath married Claudia on 22 July. They will live in the section of the Home where Robi’s parents lived. The parents have built a small flat at the other end of the Home for themselves. Czabi and Hajni Horvath are expecting their first baby in September. Hajni will not work for the next 2 years.
Koti, our nurse, has left to work in Italy, but Claudia has just qualified as a nurse and will take her place. Claudia will attend the Adventist Seminary in Budapest for about 10 days for the next 3 years to get another essential government qualification for running a nursing home.
The CAP fund is currently paying the salaries of Claudia (nurse in charge), Utka (head of kitchen) and Ioan (cares for male patients, helps with laundry, cleaning and building – in other words he does whatever needs to be done!).
Jozsi and the sons continue to build additional rooms so that they can accommodate between 45-50 patients. Ilonka is now free from the kitchen and oversees all the nurses, cleaners, kitchen, etc. She now has a little more free time and can spend time talking with the patients.
All staff members have taken a course in health and hygiene and all passed the final examination. This is valid for 2 years. The Home will receive full accreditation in September (delay because of holidays). This means that everything is up to – and even higher – than the EU and local standards. This accreditation is valid for several years. General standards have been reached and there are some specific standards which need to be reached in about 2 years time.
It is rumoured that from January the government will pay one salary and give about GBP20 per month per patient. The grandmother of the SDA minister in Dundee, Scotland, is now a resident in the Home.
I believe CAP has made a substantial difference to this nursing home. Everything is going extremely well at the moment and I pray that it will continue to do so.
Ruth Farrer