Adult Sabbath School ~ ‘The Rise and Fall of the House of Solomon’
Posted in Calendar, Sabbath School ~ Adults, Study
Lesson 1
Does life have a meaning? I have known some people who would never dare to ask this question. Some of those people are very religious. Yet, there are parts of the Bible that present human deep thoughts and emotions such as grief, anger and confusion. We classify those as wisdom passages in Scripture.
The Book of Ecclesiastes belongs to biblical wisdom books which affirm the principle that says “A man reaps what he sows” (Gal. 6:7) also known as Deuteronomic teaching: “Obey and you will live a blessed life!” Disobedience on the other hand results in suffering and death. In addition to Deuteronomy, the Book of Proverbs is replete with this and similar sayings. The other type of wisdom writings, exemplified in the books of Job and Ecclesiastes, was written to complement Deuteronomic teaching as well as to be a critique of the extremes of generalization that were taught by some teachers.