Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

The 'Mission' Category

» Mission

Hearts and Hands



Practical Christianity for those in need. Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.

(This morning’s workshop is in lieu of that previously planned for November 5th)

Hearts and Hands



Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.

Hearts and Hands



Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.


The next Hearts and Hands will take place on December 3rd.

Hearts and Hand



Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need. Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 14:00 onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the Church hall

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 a.m. onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the Church Hall from 10:00 a.m. onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 onwards.

Come along and hear about the proposed projects for 2017.

Breakfast served from 9.00 am

Business meeting at 10.00 am

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 onwards.

Hearts and Hands

Practical Christianity for those in need.  Come and join us for this workshop in the church hall from 10:00 am onwards.

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