Guest Devotional ~ Taylor Bajic
Posted in Pastor's Page
‘As Jesus Sees Us’
If you are anything like me, you have, at some point in your life, doubted yourself, felt worthless, helpless, unworthy of good things, or a combination of all of these – and possibly on multiple occasions. And as humans, we are also quick to judge others and to see the negative in people – it’s in our nature. As sinful humans, we are never satisfied with the condition of ourselves, this world, or of those that inhabit it. We tend to be indifferent to others and their lot in life, especially those that we don’t know and love.
But we are not only humans; we are God’s children, first and foremost. (1 John 5:1) A good friend of mine once sighed, ‘Oh that we could just see ourselves [and others] as Jesus sees us…’ We are, each and every one of us on this earth, beloved children of Christ Jesus, each granted the wonderful and perfect gift of eternal life with Him, if we only accept it. We are all heirs of His kingdom, blessed with His unfailing love. ‘While we were still sinners, Christ died for us’ (Rom 5:8, NIV), all of us. We are all ‘in the same boat’, so to speak – only, some out there don’t know it…
In God’s eyes, we are all unique, valued, loved creations of His very own, some that know Him and too many that don’t. God adores the old man at the newspaper kiosk and the mysterious teen who hangs out in the pub just as much as He loves you and me. He yearns for their companionship in heaven just as much as He wants us there. The salvation I was so blessed to discover and understand and accept for myself is meant for the person down the street just as much as it is for me. It is for me, it is for you, it is for them. If we remember this every time we look in the mirror, every time we walk down the street and meet others on the way, it will greatly enrich our relationships with others, and even, if I may say so, with our very selves. It will open our eyes to a bigger picture, to our purpose here on earth. God does not want anyone to miss out on paradise with Him in His kingdom – we shouldn’t either. He created each of us with the intent to take us home again with Him, forgiven and justified in Him. Our purpose should be to share with as many as possible what God has done in our lives, who He is, and how they can come to know that same God and the wonderful hope He offers, to care for them as Jesus would.
When we doubt ourselves or feel worthless, we must remember that we are not worthless in God’s eyes – far from it! We should care for ourselves, and more so, we should care genuinely for those around us, no matter who they are. We may feel imperfect – because naturally we are – but it does not hinder God and His work in our lives and those of others, His holy purpose. And it does not stand in the way of His love for us. We are not finished yet. As a song of my childhood says, ‘our paint is still wet.’ And we know that ‘He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’ (Phil 1:6, NIV). God is in perfect control – He knows what He is doing. Let’s open ourselves up for His work and plan in our lives and see what happens. I have a feeling we’ll be surprised by joy.