It is time for us to ‘wise up’ on our spiritual condition and the responsibilities of discipleship. How many times have we read quickly through the parables about the ten virgins, the talents and the sheep and goats and simply treated them as good stories that apply to others?
Look closely at them and you will see Jesus is showing us the blueprint for preparation for life in His eternal kingdom. The parable of the ten virgins highlights the need to be diligent in providing for our spiritual needs; the story of the talents shows our involvement in the advancement of God’s cause, and the story of the sheep and goats shows us our responsibility to the needs of others.
All that we accumulate here on this earth is a gift from God to use or abuse. We can take none of it to heaven! Please read the parables again carefully and let Jesus speak directly to your heart. Let the Holy Spirit show you how to turn the accumulated gifts God has given into treasure in His kingdom.
“Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matthew 25:21