Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

Oh the wonders of international banking…

The £6000 going to Maluti has finally arrived ~ I understand it will be available to the OVC folks from tomorrow. Let’s hope and pray that it’s the first of many.

I spent this evening at a Willow Creek seminar in Stirling watching a moving interview with Bono from U2. I remember seeing U2 at the Hammersmith Odeon back before they were famous. He is looking well for all his years. Unfair. He speaks eloquently about being a rock’n’roll star who wants to be taken seriously. He discusses the bizarre ‘currency of celebrity’. I like him. I particularly like his opinion of ‘worship’ bands. If you are interested in knowing more about the brain numbing problems of Africa you can do a lot worse that taking a look at, the current object of Bono’s activist attention.